Tuesday, 16 January 2007

TrEaTmEnTs.... A wAy oF CoPiNg ....

It is quite normal for a child under five to be hyperactive... remember a diagnosis of this dissorder needs to be made by a trained proffessional.

The childs progress at school would need to be checked often, therefore in some extreme cases
a specialist would need to be there.

Although there is no cure for this dissorder, it can be treated and
maintained. This can be done with the use of therapy, where drugs are also used to help the child cope with the dissorder.
Some experts think that certain vitamin, mineral, or omega-3 fatty supplements can help to treat ADHD. Again, the evidence is not conclusive, but the safety of high doses of supplements is unproven so care must be taken. Nevertheless, eating a varied and balanced diet, including oily fish (eg mackerel, herring, trout), which is high in omega-3 fatty acids, certainly helps to promote healthy development in children. Some also believe that the reduced intake of sugar might help, however these are not for definate
and changes in the childs diet would need to be cheked with the GP.

It can be difficult caring for a child with this dissorder, however to make it easier there are National support groups available for those who have members of their famile with ADHD, and are given opurtunities
to meet other families with the same problems.


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