Title – Wild disorder
Directed By – Vanita Dade, Jalna Maharjan and Hardeep Sokhi
Cast – Monique Flora, Riann Flora, Rishika Kumar, and Dr robin
Interesting Fact:
Hardeep, Jalna and Vanita went to London to film Dr robin(Phyciatrist) who gave a sense of professionalism to our documentary, unfortunately we filmed him with the mike turned off as a result we had to go re-shoot Dr robin.
Hardeep and Jalna stayed up all night trying to load the footage up on to the computer however, in the end it turn out we had the wrong wire therefore we resulted in getting the wire off a fellow student whom came to the rescue.
What is attention deficit hyperactive disorder? What are the causes? Does it come naturally or is it inherited through genes? People who suffer from this how do they cope? How do they feel?
The short documentary represents the life of two real life people whom suffer from attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Wild explore the lifestyle of a day to day basis of two protagonists Monique Flora 8 and Rishika Kumar 18. Monique Flora a hyper yet emotional girl lets us into her world to see how her life is through her angle. Rishika Kumar shares her struggles and emotional thoughts making us identify with her point of view.
Wild doesn’t only show real life experience also gives an insight to what actual attention deficit hyperactive disorder is, gives general issues that have been arisen and debates which follow in our society today.
The use of montage, editing and music creates a sense of heart touching feel to many scene that occur in the documentary. The use of instrumental music created an almost impact feel of the subject where viewers can sympathies with the protagonist.
Many viewers are to identify with the protagonist and relate back to the following problems. The documentary follows the lives of two different people keeping the audiences concentration throughout the documentary.
By, Hardeep Sokhi
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