Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Blog comments

1. What do you think of our blog?

What do you particularly like about it? What's especially impressive?

What could be improved? What's missing or could be added?

2. Based on what you've read on the blog (and maybe seen in test screenings in class) what suggestions do you have regarding what we could do to make our Practical Production really successful?

What other things could we include in the production?

How should we go about filming any remaining scenes or editing the footage during post-production (+ suggestions for music, etc.)?


The Morea's said...

1. I really like the layout and colours of your blog as it makes it look attractive and appealing to read. I also like the fact that you posted up video links which again makes your blog more interesting. You also have a lot of relevant background research.

I think you could maybe post pics of some of the shots in filming.

2. For your post production you could use a parallel non diegetic soundtrack, something which proves sad as the narrative is a serious issue. Also a variety of shots mostly close ups to illustrate facial expression.


Islamophobia said...

1. What I really like about your blog are the colours and FONTS! They are really eye cathing and makes your blog look WICKED

However, what you can do to make your blog look more attractive is add on some pictures off where you have done your vox pox, and maybe upload some fottages.

2. Errmm well for your post production you can add a male voiceover as the theme your doing is serious and maybe you can add contrapuntal music!

best of luck


Islamophobia said...

1. I really like the research that you carried out as it was quite interesting to read about ADHD. I also thought that the 'Documentary Research'on the codes and coventions of documentaries was really useful.

2. I think you could add more pictures of the places you've been and possibly add some footage up of the filming you've done so far.

3. I think you could in your final production define what 'ADHD' is and possibly have some archive footage.

4. I think you should do your Vox Pops in a variety of places.


aLL foR a BoY said...

I like all the different bright colours you lot have used on you blog. They are really eyecatching and make all your work stand out and look good. You can tell that you have reasearched this illness really well, and when we get to see the production you will inform a lot of epople about it. LIke i didnt even know about this illness until i was told about it.
To make your blog look better you should add pictures of your production, so we can all se what you lot have done.
For your post production you should maybe add both paralell and contrapuntal sound. this way, people will be shocked when they see some scenes and on others will be un expecting them
Good luck for your production.


Its A Womans World said...

o0o0o wow good use of colourss.. blog's looking all good and appealing... i like the idea of your practical production very unique!

i think you need to show your footage done so far coz i've cn it n it looks quite good!

n jus get a teacha to do ur voiceovers lolll

xXx BaZza xXx

Athar Mahmood said...

1. its reeli informative abt what u lot plan 2 do....erm quite bright and in ur face lol....
i think its kl cuz u dnt wnt it 2 bright 2 make ur production 2 luk lyk a joke...but u lot r focusin on a serious subject.

2. so far what ive red is gud...ur following 1 character to focus on thier life...reminds me of bullicide hw they focused just on 1 person.

3. this vox pop/pox thing has becum so common but it fits well with ur aim as your tryin 2 c hw many ppl know abt ADHD.

kl ...Zainab...

The Rose Mob said...

Try to add some footage, it would make your blog more interesting as well as allowing viewers to understand your concept better.

Add the defintion of the disorder as many people don't actually know what it is, and how it's caused. Perhaps in the beggining of your production have slow fade outs of children with ADHD with a voice over.

Use a male voice over to create a sense of authenticity. It would also allow the audience to identify this disorder as being a serious matter.


The Morea's said...

your blog look really nice and attractive with the bright colours used. i really like the topic its really interesting, it will attract the audience cause i dont think someone did a topic like this before. i like the way that ur going to have interviews with experts it will look really interesting.
the blog is filled with ur plans and research, and a lot of statistics which looks really good.u might just explain a bit more about this wild disorder.
as ur doing a documentary, i think you should use documentary conventions, and close ups on people's faces when doing the vox pops. apart from that it's a good topic which really attract the audience because we rarely see this kind of topics.the audience will try to guess what does this topic about and therefor ur creating enigma.
good luck with the editing.

Kirandeep said...

1. This is looking really good really interesting blog you guys have put alot of work in to it

2. One thing in which you might want to improve on is adding some footage of what you have already filmed and then you can get feedback from that

Overall, looks good and good luck with the rest of your production


Eating disorder said...

* I think your blog looks realii good; you have used bright colours which make the work stand out.
Also detailed progress reports and you have done a lot of research regarding your topic

* The vox pops – though they are kinda common, ADHD is a topic that people have never heard of so it should be ok

* You could post some footage and pictures of scenes that you have done.

Keep up the good work:)

Athar Mahmood said...

Like the colours on the page..quite attractive

Why dont you guys add any pictures....or any progress so far???

gd lk...


Kunal said...

-Good use of colour on your blog. Simple yet effective. I like the topic that you’ve chosen as I think it would make an interesting documentary. You’ve posted up a lot of detailed research in to ADHD which shows that you’ve looked in to it in depth. Also well done for getting a detailed plan done of what you’re going to be doing now. Helps to get it all focussed.
You could add a few images or stills of your selves/ your subjects when filming or during editing just so that everyone can see your progress and possibly give some advice on shots etc.

- Use parallel, emotional music where relevant. But also upbeat fast music at times to create a hyper effect if that goes with a scene. Try some rock tunes as they seem most appropriate for that. Also, when you do the scene where your character is not listening well to the teacher you could maybe start off with the teachers voice loud in the background and then slowly fade it out trying to mirror they way she slowly looses concentration. Alternatively, you could overlap speech (like in the car advert- mobile phone one) so that the speech is hard to understand. This would make the outside world seem a little detached and alien to your character making them look isolated, alone and confused.

Good luck with everything and well done…


Its A Womans World said...

The blogs looks really colourful, and you guys have obviously done alot of research into the topic...

I really like the idea, but i duno how u can work with kids ( they're such a pain...) but uhmm yeahh looks good! I really like the idea of having a question which you need to answer as the main aim of ur production. It gives a clear structure which is really good!!
I think you should definately try to create a more personal and emotional response.. by including slow music during the end of the documentary.
Pooja x

The Rose Mob said...

Your blogs cool.

Avoid shooting a lot of your vox pops in an urban enviroment. Your opening to the documentary sounds good. Aim to define ADHD as early as possible in the production. Whilst a male voice-over may well sound professional, challenge stereotypes and use a female voice-over, it can sound equally as professional.

- Aman

Its A Womans World said...

ilike then colours of ur blog laydees.i also like the whole idea and that u lot r doing alot of research into it which is ggood.
add some video clips of ur production so far. and use the ugly-christina augl;iera sound traxck it fits in good but try not to use all the obvious songs.
good luk
amrit x

thelavishlife said...

I think your blog is wickeddd- I love all the colours used, it makes it look really interesting and colourful.
I think your topic is really good and you’ve carried out all the research which by the way is really detailed and it shows you know what your doing- so well done.
You just need to add the actual footage to your blog to show how much you’ve done etc.
From the test screening, I thought that the vox pops were good-especially the girl where the background shows the council state, it shows you’re asking people from different backgrounds etc. To make your doc professional, don’t use people from school, and try to get a variety of people for your vox pops in different places.
I think you should try to make the audience think in the end and this can be done via sad music etc.
Overall, you’ve done really well so far and the blog shows you’ve planned everything and are well organised.


Eating disorder said...

The blog seems to be coming along very well...your production is very interesting and you have done a tremendous amount of research which is wicked!

Perhaps some more images will boost up your page more, although it looks very good!

vox pops are quite common as neema from my group says, but shes right in the way of which that the topic is different so you will definitly get away with it! :D

keep up the good work!


Karandeep said...

1. Eye catching blog and very informative. To improve it maybe post some clips of what you've filmed so far.

2.Make a use of a range of shots mainly close ups due to the type of documentary you are making. Try not to focus on the person conducting the interview, as much as the person being interviewed


Kunal said...

Like the presentation of your blog-very colourful and lively. Nice topic to do your documentary on-its unique and we'll actually learn from it. You seem to know exactly what you want to do which is good. post uppics and videos of your work so far so we can see how it looks. I think you should have a montage at the start showing scenes of people with the disorder and add a voiceover telling us about it. This way, your audience will know more about it and your doc will become more effective. Also add some slow and emotional music on some bits to make the audience feel sympathy for your character(if thats what you want to happen?)
Good Luck


Kunal said...
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..eCmO.. said...

layout of your blog is good and u guys have got nuff detail into your researches

as ive sed to the rest the only improvement i can see is if you could add pix and clips but das all really, good luck


Athar Mahmood said...

the colours you've used look great and make your blog attrative.. i like that you've posted up video links which make your blog more interesting..

you could post up pictures of shots in the filming and add footage of your filming so far..

for your filming, you could use different shots to add more effects..


thelavishlife said...

1.i realli like your blog and all the colours r wicked...the layout looks good and its appealing (",)
i think the topic that you lot have chosen is realli diff so just as long as you have yor research bout everythin and all the footage tthe production will b wicked..
from the footage we saw in class i thought u need to keep the filming outside school to keep the authenticity...includin school heads that we see everyday just wont give it that polished look...


Kunal said...

i think that the colours of your blog make it look very attractive and the layout itself is good. i like the way you have clearly shown your aim and you have obviously done alot of research. it looks like you know what you are doing and the topic itself is unique.

try and include some footage of your documentary or some images of your settings etc. overall the blog is really good and i know that the end product will be fantastic.

keep up the good work


The Morea's said...

You have alot of useful information in your blog about the various things you will be portraying in your production. I think that you could add maybe a few more pictures to make it a little bit more interesting for people viewing the blog. So far it looks like you've done enough research but I think that you should maybe add a few more images from your actual production.


aLL foR a BoY said...
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aLL foR a BoY said...
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aLL foR a BoY said...

i think your blog is looking really good, i like the use of colours it looks very eycatching, the videos posted up look good and interesting. good research and progress reports looking good and in detail.
i think you should post up some pictures/images of some filming you have done like interviews.
i think for post production you should use parallel music and maybe a male voiceover.

Kirandeep said...

your blog is looking great, its very eye catching. It seems very detailed and interesting


Anonymous said...

easyyy boys..erm your blogs lookin tremendously good n got alot of research which is fantastic and looks lyk u lot knw wah ur doinn..post up some footage and fotos 2 make it even betta and urm hardeep u jokaa dont forget 2 turn on da mic nex time lollll


Final Beat said...

1. I like the way you have researched a lot on the subject at hand – ADHD, and presented it well on your blog.
2. May be post some of your footage that you have recorded up.
3. Shot some really dramatic scenes and in the editing suite make it seem really emotional, along with dramatic and tense music.

Sundeep Kahlon

Nikki said...

I like the way you've provided a brief description of the documentary under the title. It's a brilliant idea.

For your documentary, you could use fly-on-wall techniques to show the effects of children with the disorder.

The Rose Mob said...

the layout and colour scheme goes well with the theme of the doc. also you have posted up video links however you van embed them on your blog.

i think for your practical production ghet some vox pops also try interveiwing different people form different socila class backgrounds instead of asking people who don't know the answer to your questions.

jas 12b

thelavishlife said...

i like dis blog gurls it's a very touching subject dat needs to be brought up n tha... u have done enuff work n tha loll luking sikk wicv ya progress reports n tha ...u shud maybe consider putting sum piks n things up...