Friday 2 February 2007

WhAt wE dId 2DaY....

Well.... seeing as one of our crew members BiNu has fallen ill...(recovering)... it was up to jelly and hardy to carry on... 2day we went out to film... colecting some footage for our vox-pops... asking the people of london 'what ADHD was'.... it was pretty hard getting people to agree to starring in our production... n jelly n hardy had trouble setting up the camera lol... (big heart attack) when we thought we lost all our footage)... but overall today was a success and we will now focus an collecting even more footage for our vox-pops... meeting up with the phyciatrist and also start filming with Hayley... the (*) of the show!! Well will keep you updated!

Xx Jalna xX

1 comment:

Macguffin said...

Good research here - into the condition and into media texts...well done!

But nothing has been posted for over a week so that needs to be sorted, especially a detailed progress report for Tuesday and plan of action for the rest of the week.

None of your group were in yesterday so we couldn't give you any feedback. Mr Beckles came to find you too - make sure you go see him on Monday!